Top 10 Alternate Career Options for IMGs in Canada

Hello folks,

Getting licensed in Canada is a challenge for every International Medical Graduate, especially for immigrant doctors.

The biggest threat is often the lack of financial security. Although for some it is family responsibilities, lack of confidence or time.

Doctor’s training in any country involves vigorous syllabus, hours of hands-on practice, sleepless nights and a lot of blood, sweat & tears. So why not make use of those hard earned knowledge and skills elsewhere in healthcare?

There are many alternate healthcare career options for physicians in Canada. While most such professions require retraining or going back to school, some of them does not.

Are you Curios about those alternate career options?

Visit my CHANNEL and watch the video Top 10 Alternate Career Options for Doctors/IMGs in Canada to know about most popular alternate careers in healthcare.

Thank you for reading/watching.

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Thank you,


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